
Premium cigars from the Dominican republic.

The Altadis U.S.A. group is responsible for many, the most famous cigar brands, such as Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, the non-Cuban version of H. Upmann and VegaFina. It has been at the head of the world's most renowned cigar production since 1918, using top-quality tobacco leaves and offering products of unrivalled excellence. Today, the Altadis U.S.A. Group operates tobacco farms in the Dominican Republic and Honduras, and partners with manufacturing plants in Mexico and Nicaragua.

VegaFina, which takes its name from "Vegas Finas", or "plains of quality", was launched in 1998 by Tabacalera S.A., a Spanish tobacco giant which was one of the most important Habanos distributors in the tobacco market. The company later merged with SEITA to become Altadis U.S.A.

VegaFina cigars are made entirely by hand in the Dominican Republic, in the renowned Tabacalera de Garcia factory. There, the highly renowned Grupo de Maestros applies unparalleled expertise and precision to cigar blending. The members of this group ensure that the vitolas meet the highest expectations of aficionados, each practising their preferred rolling technique, while uniting for the same objective: to create the finest premium cigars in the world.

VegaFina cigars are renowned among connoisseurs for being rather mild to medium-bodied cigars, offering a superior tasting experience.

VegaFina is a popular brand among cigar aficionados, and its products are distributed in many countries around the world. They are often considered to offer good value for money and are appreciated for their accessibility to beginners in the world of cigars, as well as their appeal to experienced connoisseurs.

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